Statement of Work

The project will be delivered with the following key milestones leading up to the use of the application by the Customer. The weeks noted below correspond with the length of time it takes to complete each implementation activity once Customer has provided data access and retailer point of contacts.

Detailed Project Plan with dates and owners will be supplied post kickoff. Project Plan (for up to 10 integrations) 



Project Kickoff


Discovery + Design

Business Objectives and Value Call

2 - 3

Data Deep Dive Call

Product Master Design

2 - 4

Build Priority / Phase 1

Build & Configure: Retailer Integrations

1 - 8

Build / Phase 2

Build / Phase 3


Build & Configure: ERP + Historical Load

4 - 12

Launchpad and Template Dashboards

3 - 8


UAT – Data Acceptance

Training & Enablement

Admin and User Workflow Trainings

3 - 12

Business Go-live

Go Live

5 - 8

Post Go-Live


9 - 11


Project Close-out call + Ongoing Success Plan

11 - 12


Start Date:Alloy Technologies Effective Date Platform:

  • Any timeline given for the project during implementation is dependent on the availability of Customer resources to the project. Customer acknowledges this and will make all attempts to make the relevant resources available during the project. The stakeholders will raise a project issue/risk if any delay impacts the overall delivery of the project.

  • Any timeline given for the project is dependent on timely access to data.

Partner Integrations

  • Customer will be an active, accountable party to help drive urgency in obtaining access to data and resolving data access and data quality issues of source data. If the integration progress is delayed or blocked due to lack of responsiveness or action then has the right to pause integration work and re-allocate dedicated resources. Once the integration is unblocked the integration will be queued for resourcing based on current capacity.

Implementation Services

  • The services required to manage, configure, train, test, and provide overall support for the implementation of the solution. The activities being provided under Implementation Services are:

    • Project Management

    • Integration Setup / Ingestion of Data

    • instance setup including relevant template dashboards

    • User Training

    • Go-Live Support

Each activity below is applicable to each phase of the project. A detailed project plan will be built out with Customer and as each phase begins.

Phase Activities

DescriptionResponsible for Completion

Project Kickoff

  • Call within two weeks of signature

  • Initial buildout of team members and roles

  • Review of and integrations included in scope

  • Project Timelines – to create project timeline based on
  • Customer and inputs

Customer to provide the following within a week after project kick-off:

  • Current reports leveraged

  • Grant data access and/or sample files

  • Product Master Sample

  • Customer project members / roles - prior to Kickoff

  • Project Timeline inputs


Weekly Status Report

  • will provide a status report:

  • Activities completed overall and for the current week

  • Upcoming activities/milestones

  • Open issues, risks, and roadblocks

Discovery & Design

  • will conduct requirements and design sessions.
  • Data Deep Dive Call

  • Technical Discovery to develop Product Master

Build & Configure (Product Master)

  • is responsible for ensuring first successful import of the product master into the platform

Build & Configure (Partner Integrations)

  • Customer is responsible for providing credentials for all RPA and facilitating introductions to primary points of contact for all data integrations
  • is responsible for provisioning initial admin(s) accounts

  • Customer is responsible for provisioning accounts for additional users & Customer


  • will review and provide guidance on data acceptance
  • Customer will be responsible for data acceptance for each integration within two weeks of data ingestion. & Customer

Training and Enablement

  • will develop and deliver live trainings* for:

    • Two (2) Admin trainings

    • Two (2) End User trainings

*Training will also be provided through client solutions once CUSTOMER signs off on implementation and recordings of an Admin and End User training will be provided for future use

Business Go Live

  • Once the product master is loaded and two integrations are accepted and both Admin and one user group has been trained – Customer is live. & Customer


  • During Hypercare all teams and stakeholders will work closely within a defined and reviewed framework to ensure that the delivered solution is working as intended and any issues are resolved quickly.
  • Customer commits to leverage the platform to surface any questions around data and functionality.

  • commits to 2 weeks of Hypercare in which the implementation team will remain engaged with the core project team post go live.

  • With additional resourcing on the project, it is advisable that the Customer consistently leverages the platform and promptly reports data issues and or questions regarding functionality. The dedicated resources will be available for enablement and issue resolution during this time.

Project Closeout Post-Hypercare

  • Project will conclude two weeks after Hypercare.
  • It is expected that all project deliverables are completed before the project is deemed complete. Partner onboarding streams can continue post completion of the implementation managed by the IPM and / or Client Solutions team (or a combination of the two) for any “deprioritized,” stagnant integrations.

  • Upon successful completion of Hypercare, Customer will be managed by the client solutions and support team and the IPM will roll out of the project.

  • The Implementation Project Manager will facilitate knowledge transfer to Client Solutions and Support teams.

Completion and approval of these key activities are essential for an on-time implementation.  Any delays in approval may result in a change order to extend the project.