Sense. Predict. Respond.

Rapidly sense and adjust to changes in consumer demand and supply chain disruptions. automatically aggregates and harmonizes all of your retail POS and supply chain data, then uses AI, advanced simulations and predictive analytics to find new sales opportunities, mitigate inventory risks and forecast the future more accurately.

Make better decisions with

Twice the insights. Half the effort.

Our platform is built for consumer brands, with 100s of out-of-the-box connectors for retail, ecommerce and ERP data, and the pre-built metrics you need react to changes in the market.

Sales by Partner, Performance vs Forecast, Top Locations
  • Full visibility into demand and inventory gives consumer goods brands an early warning system when their demand and supply are imbalanced. With near real-time visibility to demand and inventory positions from shelf to warehouse and predictive simulations on what to expect in the near future, brands can make the right decisions to reduce stockouts and minimize excess inventory costs.

  • Build trust by aligning teams on a single source of information

    Give sales, marketing, planning and supply chain operations a single source of information where C-level executives and analysts alike can see analytical views relevant to them, making it easy to collaborate on decisions, communicate to partners and build trust.

  • Ramp quickly and run efficiently with a purpose-built platform

    Our 850+ out-of-the-box connectors save brands from the painful and time-consuming process of manually aggregating and harmonizing disparate sources of POS data, channel inventory and ERP data, and maintaining those connectors. Consumer brands love our pre-defined templates, workflows and a hands-on client solutions team to get brands up and running quickly and keep their total cost of ownership low.

See what data you can integrate

Predict the future with AI-powered precision

  • Predictive simulations

    Our AI-powered predictive simulations in let you understand where you're at risk of retail out-of-stocks, excess retail inventory, warehouse stockouts, OTIF fines and more, so you can take immediate action.

  • More accurate sell-in and sell-through forecasts’s short and long-term demand sensing algorithms produce POS forecasts based on high-frequency, granular demand and channel inventory data as well as seasonality and historical trends. POS Forecasts can be exported to planning systems to form the baseline for demand plans.

Instant, AI-powered answers to your sales and supply chain questions

Introducing the Assistant, powered by generative AI. Just ask a question using natural language and get an answer in seconds. Named a Leader in Retail Analytics

Learn why’s unmatched customer experience and strong market presence earned us a spot in the Leader quadrant in G2’s Spring 2023 Grid Report for Retail Analytics.

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Use Cases

Collaborative replenishment

Identify and resolve lost sales and unproductive inventory by making data-driven recommendations to buyers

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Phantom inventory

Identify and stop the “silent killer” that leads to out-of-stocks and lost sales

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Promotional analysis

Scientifically test and measure POS lift from promotions, end-caps, events and more

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Geographic analysis

Predict shortages or overstocks for any item-location with a complete view of supply and demand across your network

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Sense. Predict. Respond. uses daily SKU-store level data to give brands an early warning system when their demand and supply are out of whack.

Purpose-built for consumer goods brands

850+ pre-built connectors to automatically pull and harmonize data from all of your retailers, ecommerce partners, channel inventory and ERP.

Full visibility for every team member — all in one place

Give your teams full visibility into demand and inventory. C-Level execs and analysts alike can quickly find insights in the latest data.

Get Started

Related resources

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Alloy Intelligence

Alloy Intelligence is a POS and inventory analytics solution to help consumer goods companies proactively take action to reduce stockouts and excess inventory costs.


3 Proven ways to reduce out-of-stocks

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Empowering your sales team with the insights they need is about the “how” as much as the “what”.

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Resolve Phantom Inventory in Alloy

Learn how to identify and resolve phantom inventory, out-of-stocks and lost sales in the Alloy platform. See Alloy in action in this demo video.

Customer Stories

Bliss implementing Alloy to drive retail success

Bliss, an iconic skin wellness brand, has chosen Alloy software for retail point-of-sale analytics, enabling everyone on their team to quickly get business insights.


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With recent supply chain disruptions, it’s a tough time to be the CFO in the consumer goods space. Here are a few of the new...

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