Talking better product launch and allocation decisions with Ferrero USA
The global confectioner mitigates waste, improves service levels and controls costs by connecting digital supply chain visibility with POS analytics.
Keep readingMore accurate demand forecasts, powered by big data and machine learning, can generate millions in additional revenue for brands.
In our forecasting white paper, we shared the three principles of modern forecasting: use an integrated approach, keep the methodology transparent and make results actionable. The second principle, transparency, is especially important as executives look to make decisions based on demand forecasts.
Grasping the data science behind forecasts might sound intimidating, but it’s important to remember the scope of the transparency — it’s about understanding why a model produced certain results. As a business leader, you don’t need to evaluate the inner workings of forecasting algorithms. However, you should understand how the decisions and tradeoffs made while designing a model impact its outcome. When everyone understands how a forecasting model works — its limitations, biases, margin of error, etc. — you can make the smartest decisions possible based on the results.
In this post, we’ll walk through five probing questions executives can ask to improve your understanding of how forecasting models work and the associated risks and opportunities of your forecasts. By becoming familiar with these concepts, you can make decisions based on forecasts with greater confidence and accuracy.
A model designed for a perishable product line, such as produce, will likely be very different from one that supports seasonal apparel, such as mittens. However, both models might be statistically sound and high-quality, so it’s not enough to rely on that standard alone. Instead, you need to think about the forecast’s results at a macro level. How close does the forecast get us to where we want to be?
As an executive, your industry expertise provides helpful context for framing this evaluation. Examples of factors to consider include:
When you better understand how the forecast’s output quality is judged, you can more effectively know where the potential pitfalls are and where deviations from the forecast are most likely to occur.
Advanced demand forecasting is like flying an airplane: there’s a whole host of levers and controls you can adjust to affect performance. You should understand the different factors that influence an algorithm’s output and evaluate those individually, in addition to looking at the model’s end result. Two examples of factors to consider are:
With a better understanding of the factors affecting a given model’s output, you can make decisions that take into account potential shortcomings or pitfalls of that model.
This question is a direct corollary to the previous question. Once you understand the factors that are influencing the model’s results, you can then evaluate the outcome to determine if that combination of factors matches your understanding of the industry. For instance, is it realistic that local temperatures would have a significant effect on consumer electronics sales? Or is it more likely that cooler temperatures correspond with the holiday shopping season and that’s the real driver of increased sales?
Once you understand the impact that different features have on the model’s performance, you can make decisions about how to adjust your strategy and what levers you can pull to create the desired outcome.
Since no machine learning model is perfect, creating the best possible fit is often an exercise in balancing underfitting against overfitting.
An algorithm that’s underfit (also referred to as having high bias) will perform similarly in real life compared to how it performed against training data, but the similarity will lie in the fairly high error rate. Oftentimes the model is too simple and cannot take into account variations in input data.
An algorithm that’s overfit (also referred to as having high variance) performs very well on training data, but has a higher error rate on real-life data. The model may be too attuned to patterns in the training data that don’t generalize well to real situations. In general, dialing down bias will increase variance, and vice versa. That’s why the quest to minimize both values is an exercise in balance.
You should consider the tradeoffs between underfitting and overfitting in the context of the decisions you’re making with the forecast. For instance, if the goal is to predict sales of a newly-launched product, you might accept a higher bias in your model, since there isn’t much historical data to work from.
Remember the common saying “garbage in, garbage out”? In data science, it refers to the fact that an algorithm is only as good as the data it is train on, making it important to understand the quality of that data. Some questions you can ask to better understand training data quality are:
You want training data to reflect real life as closely as possible for your model to produce solid forecasts. When you’re considering a model’s output, it’s important to understand how the quality and availability of training data may have impacted performance.
Demand forecasting models can involve complex data science, but by asking the right questions, executives can better understand how they work. This understanding empowers you to make decisions based off of your forecasts with greater confidence. It also provides the opportunity down the road to collaborate more closely with your data science team on future forecast development.
In the coming weeks, we’ll explore different aspects of the forecasting process in detail, such as an evaluation of which forecast models work best in different situations. In the meantime, make sure to familiarize yourself with all three key principles of modern demand forecasting, discussed in our recent white paper.
The global confectioner mitigates waste, improves service levels and controls costs by connecting digital supply chain visibility with POS analytics.
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