Bring the insights that influence retailers

Data-driven. Timely. Actionable. Buyers expect a lot before they’ll take your order and replenishment recommendations. To capture more sales opportunities, remove the hurdles between your sales team and the quality insights they need to build trust and drive action.

Seven steps to identify and prevent lost sales

Learn seven tips for never missing out on a sale due to out-of-stocks.

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How to isolate the sales impact of retail marketing promotions

A step-by-step guide for consumer goods brands to measure the incremental impact of marketing promos in-store and online using test and learn analytics.

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Seven best practices for data-driven order allocation

Bring unbiased analytics to tricky allocation decisions to help maximize sales, keep customers happy and even prevent allocation situations.

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How many hurdles have you cleared?

Many sales teams find themselves jumping hurdle over hurdle in the race to identify timely insights. If your current retail analytics solution doesn’t cover them all, you’ll be too late to make an impact on buyers – and sell-through.

See the infographic >


Rethink “retail analytics”

It can be so much more than weekly reports, inflexible views and siloed data

Not just account-level insights, but learnings from across all your sales channels that add significant value to buyer conversations. Not just a review of historical performance, but real-time updates on shifts in consumer demand and inventory levels to help you prioritize orders, prevent lost sales and manage promotions.


5 key criteria for efficient retail analytics

An evaluation checklist of core characteristics any retail analytics platform should have to help ensure you’re making a wise investment.

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Sizing up RSi and Alloy with a company insider

With experience at both companies, Brian shares thoughts on how they compare and why Alloy gives customers the edge in supply chain management.

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Improv with Excel? Yes, but…

Excel-based retail analytics are inherently limited–they can't handle or combine large data sets for quick ad hoc analysis and problem resolution.

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Removing the hurdles with Alloy

With an end-to-end solution, everyone on your team can quickly get the insights they need to make better decisions, everyday.

Customer Stories

Kano gains new insights from daily, store-level sell-through analytics

Creative technology leader goes from deployment to new insights in two weeks with Alloy's pre-built retailer integrations and POS analytics dashboards

Customer Stories

A leading fitness equipment maker hits its stride with Alloy

The speed and flexibility of Alloy POS analytics enabled this consumer brand to make more timely decisions for new product success and inventory management.


Alloy is purpose-built for consumer brands